Multiple frames in MDF, plans to cut laser


Yisus frame:  You can place it on the wall, or develop a 'legs' ornamental, ideal for believers.

Marco Angel:  To decorate, Christmas table.

Marco Leon:  Ideal for lovers of this great cat, the king of Africa, can put on the wall.

Halloween frame:  An ideal day witch gift, you can agregarles more figures and paste it into the base. Release your imagination.

Marco San Valentin:  An ideal place for lovers frame, you can put some custom text or name him / her.

Circular inscription:  Christmas Table and office.


Necessary material:


Machine used:

- Without detailing Thickness: 

- Without detailing

Import / Create Template

- Download and import our plan to design your program and adapt according to their tastes and needs.


- Our plan is designed for a wood material


- laser cutting according to your needs

- Now, you need clean the edges of the pieces, to remove dust from the surface, a damp cloth grip lint. 


- To find more designs MDF enters our web labels  'MDF'

- Before sending please check cut well everything fit properly. 

Catching designs and unloading planes:

57. Marco  Angeles

or buy
10 $

58. Marco Hallowenn

or buy
10 $

59. Marco León

or buy
8 $

Marco Tigre

 Marco San Valentin

60. Marco Yisus

or buy
12 $

You might want: Marco crab MDF wall
Multiple frames in MDF, plans to cut laser Multiple frames in MDF, plans to cut laser Reviewed by marisol on julio 26, 2018 Rating: 5

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Carrueja in trupan and laser cut MDF