Butterfly Sweet Sixteen Invitation for any type of event and draft laser cut

Butterfly invitation permeated laser cut cardboard.

If you crossed your head adventure (or madness) to organize an event "handmade" one of the first things you'll need to plan is if you'll be able to take care of design invitations event . If you're a designer (a) graphic and youneed a little help here you have it 

Sample image. Photo: Submitted by: Kriz Tepes )

As we know today original wedding invitations are all the rage and are preferred by the couple who want to send wedding invitations different. 

This invitation is draft with laser as we see has a precise and effective finishing that only you can make thelaser.

Butterfly Sweet Sixteen Invitation for any type of event and draft laser cut Butterfly Sweet Sixteen Invitation for any type of event and draft laser cut Reviewed by marisol on julio 26, 2018 Rating: 5

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Carrueja in trupan and laser cut MDF